Sunday 4 September 2011

Blood Pumping Karaoke Music

More recently, Frank Howley (youtuber and comrade of various comedy groups like MEGA64 and The Midnight Show) has created a band with friend Matthew Bruce; The Vampires. The Vampires are a Karaoke Party Pop band, a genre made famous by such artists as Best Fwends, Totally Michael, and even Hush Hush.

What exactly is Karaoke Party Pop? The best definition would be original Pre-recorded music (sometimes covers of songs if not the actual song itself) sung and danced to by maniacs on stage. Live shows rely on a lot of energy from the band and crowd. Interaction is a big part of the show, and The vampires are no different.

The Vampires’ first show at the Waterloo Station Cafe in Mission Viejo, CA. Was composed of dancing, screaming, hilarious jokes and pizza. Performing such hit songs as Fukkireta, Fireflies (sung by cats and dogs) and my personal favourite, We Like Pizza by The Pizza Kids.

 People may question if this is real music or not. I believe, just like punk, it’s about having fun, and feeling the electricity. The Vampires’ show was about friends getting together and having a party, kinda like playing Rock Band with friends at a party. In a way it fuses a comedy act with a concert, as you’re encouraged to get up to laugh and scream.

The Vampires are the liveliest undead band you’ll ever meet. Check out the entire show on youtube, and be sure to sing along. If The Vampires ever come to my town, I’ll be sure to be first in line.

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