Sunday 11 December 2011

Every time I watch Troll 2, the one important question that always goes through my head is…What ever happened to Brent?
Portrayed by David McConnell,
Brent is one of Elliot’s merry men, looking for pussy in Nilbog; an almost impossible task as they don’t have coffee, nor very many females. However none of this seems to deter Brent. God bless him.
In my eyes, Brent is one of the luckiest guys in the Troll 2 universe. If you think about it, they never really say he died, he got to eat a lot of popcorn, AND he’s the closest of Elliot’s friends to getting laid. Yes, Arnold may have copped a feel with Cindy, that’s debatable. But Brent really gets some.
Kudos to you, Brent. 
 You did me well.